Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Releases 2023 Commercial Property Valuations
Suzanne Markley, Principal 404.942.6393 |
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina is undergoing a revaluation in 2023. The assessments were released on March 17 and reflect a significant increase in values:
- Countywide: 51% average increase
- Commercial: 41% average increase
- Residential: 58% average increase
The values determined during the 2023 revaluation will remain in place until the next reassessment in 2027. To minimize your property tax expense, it is critical that all assessments are reviewed the first year of the four-year cycle. The deadline to file a formal appeal for all parcels is June 9, 2023. Although, the 2023 millage rate will not officially be set until the summer, Ryan has analyzed all current available data and historic trends to approximate likely rollback scenarios.
Representing more than $32 billion in assessed value throughout Mecklenburg County, Ryan’s Property Tax team has extensive experience in navigating the property tax process in Charlotte and across North Carolina, including all commercial property types and classes. If you are interested in understanding more about this revaluation and the potential impact to your property, please contact us for additional details. Our experts look forward to helping you minimize your property tax liability. For more information and to get in contact with our tax experts, please click here.