Navigating Property Tax Revaluations in Delaware
Kurt Lieberman, Principal 215.253.6676 |
The counties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex are currently undergoing a comprehensive revaluation of all properties as of September 2023. This initiative was triggered by a State Supreme Court order that directed New Castle County to reassess properties following a lawsuit filed by the City of Wilmington school district. The lawsuit raised concerns about uniformity and underassessment issues in property valuations. Throughout this revaluation process, some incorporated towns have also conducted reassessments independently, leading to instances where parcels have two distinct assessors, collectors, and taxable property values.
To remain competitive in the market, it’s more important than ever to promptly review your property tax assessment notice. Don’t risk facing an increase in your 2024/2025 property taxes. We strongly encourage you to get in touch with one of our local team members as soon as you receive your assessment notice in the mail. This will help you prepare for the upcoming appeal deadline and navigate the process effectively. Contact our experts today.