What to Do If You Receive Supplemental Valuation Notices in Tennessee
Brad Wallace, Principal, 404.942.6346 | brad.wallace@ryan.com
Caitlyn Smagh, Senior Manager 404.942.6380 | caitlyn.smagh@ryan.com
Commercial properties that are considered new construction in Tennessee have the possibility of being valued on two occasions in a single calendar year if substantial completion occurs prior to September 1 in said year. The county will value a property’s construction in progress as of January 1 annually, with notices based on that valuation to be sent in May. If a property is considered substantially complete between January 1–August 31, the county can send a supplemental valuation notice. The corresponding tax bill is prorated between the original value as of January 1 and the supplemental notice value. Notices are issued in September with only a 45-day appeal window.
If you have completed a construction project in recent months, we recommend you reach out to our local Ryan experts to determine if you will receive a supplemental value notice and explore tax minimization strategies.